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Hello, everyone.

My name is Carl Casaclang. I also go by the pen name Behelit Betchi, or behbetchi, for short. Or betchi/bechi even, for shortest w. I have been drawing as a hobby throughout my life, but around March 2020, I decided to start learning deeply about Art, with hopes that I get to make it as my life career.

What follows are some of the digital works I drew up until the most recent update (as of now is Decenber 2022)*. I have only begun using the Digital medium since December 2020. I heartfully appreciate Analogue medium (all the more because it's what I grew up with); but, for now, the majority of my practice is done on a drawing tablet.

I sure hope to have the access and space for actual canvas and a drafting board one day. Those would be nice~ o(〃^▽^〃)o

Without further ado..

*it seems that a media storage limit has been placed by Wix, and now I could not upload more illustrations to add to the gallery X﹏X . that being the case, perhaps I'll be posting future works over at Ko-Fi. sorry for the inconvenience <( _ _ )>

Finished Works (earlier - more recent)

Studies and Other Works (earlier - more recent)

And that is the story so far. Shall the world let this way of art be continued by simply letting it do more; there can be no greater gift..

If one would like to know more about me, here is an "autobiography" of sorts; a 6-page entry of me talking a little about my life and art journey. Thank you for caring ( •̀ ω •́ )y

P.S it seems that for the autobio, the mobile version is helplessy unmanageable; sorry for the inconvenience (but if you don't mind, reading text only without images, feel free to continue on mobile; otherwise, the desktop version is the best)

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